21st CCLC Notice

In accordance with the application instructions from the North Carolina Department of Education, the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Coastal Plain submits a public notice to the eastern North Carolina community of our intent to submit an application for a 21st Century Community Learning Centers After School Programs grant for eligible youth to be served. Our application represents our Beaufort County (Washington) Club, which meets the requirements for funding.
The purpose of the 21st CCLC Program, as described in federal statute, is to provide opportunities for eligible communities to establish or expand activities that focus on:
  1. Improved academic achievement
  2. Enrichment services that reinforce and complement the academic program as well as social and emotional learning
  3. Family engagement
For questions or comments, please contact Laquitta Staton, Vice President of Grants & Government Partnerships, at lstaton@bgccp.com.